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When: Saturday 10.30am (Australian Adelaide Time Zone)


What if you I told you that you could actually manifest your love life?


In fact, what if I said YOU CAN “Manifest the LOVE of YOUR Life”!!!!


As a Psychic Medium of over 30 years I do ALOT of relationship readings and Spirit has shown me the theme of how you can and cannot manifest your forever love. The common theme I hear is “I just want someone to love me”..... well, I can say this, you're going about it all wrong.


First thing I'll say is this; I'm not a psychologist, psychiatrist of counsellor (though I have had training in some of this). I had good and bad relationships until I finally cracked the code in how to manifest the love of my life.


Let me teach you how to change your energy and re-align to the heartfelt Looooove you've been waiting for and how to keep it.


In this 1.5 hour online workshop, where there is some active “doing” components to assist in your manifestation of your perfect love.


You will learn how to:


1. Learn how to let go of your past love hurts and cut energetic ties to your ex (releasing your ex meditation included).

2. Work out how to make a manifestation list of qualities you want in a love relationship.

3. Overcome the mental and emotional doubts, the negative words you tell yourself that lowers your vibration and stops you from attracting your love match.
4. Love and yourself again and find you confidence.

5. Maybe your “package” is in another package? Unravel your unconscious patterning that keeps you going around in circles, picking the same partners, the same relationships over and over again.

6. Send out love vibes and find your aligned forever love, one that your true soul desires.

7. Make your “Love Vision Board” taking energetic action towards manifesting your dream lover.


  • There will be a hypno-meditation available after the workshop has ended on offer on "meeting your dream love in the energetic realm" .


  • Workshop Booklet sent out the day before via email to print up and use during the workshop.


  • You'll need your notebook. Pencils and/or Pens. Drink bottle.


  • They'll be 1 x 5 minute recesses during workshop for toilet breaks.




Manifest the Love of Your Life Online Workshop

$100.00 Regular Price
$10.00Sale Price
  • Once booklet is sent out for course via email (as it is a digital file) and you have joined the Private Faebook Group, there wil will be no refunds.


    As I am manually handling the course literature etc. Private Facebook Group link will be sent within 5 business days of payment.


    Please email me for any questions at:



    Jennifer Dawn xx

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