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Welcome to all you Sparkly Spirited Souls,

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Facebook Group Rules

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This is a group for AMAZING Spiritual Souls to learn, share and grow their intuitive psychic and healing abilities and of course have fun along the way. Life is all about enjoyment – Lets keep the energy here high vibe.



Please read the guidelines below (we won’t call them rules, because...who likes rules) before clicking to join:


This is so all are aware of the rules for this group and  what parameters to work within.

Thank you for your co-operation in this.




Let this be the training ground wherein you can feel free to explore, express, and expand your psychic abilities while utilising them to create and manifest Spiritual a life that you LOVE.



Free Readings aren’t accepted here unless it’s on the #freereading day. No business or self-promotion here ok. If you're just only here for that, then the Intuitive Playground is not for you.



We are a High Vibe COMMUNITY – I’m trying to create a family environment where we encourage each other and raise each other up. SO please become a part of our community family by introducing yourself and taking part in this group.


This is a group of peace & harmony. 

We are here to help you on a journey of discovery. To find YOUR inner light. If you have psychic or healing abilities, The Clairs, are Intuitive or are highly sensitive, you are welcome to join us. Let us all AWAKEN and EVOLVE together. 

This group is an inspirational and learning group. It is not a group just to get free readings.
We value input. Give more than you take. 

This is a SANCTUARY for all to find out what your true purpose is. 

This is a magical and sacred space for you to celebrate your inner power and fall in love with yourself again. 

I'm very sorry, but ethically "NO ONE UNDER 18 ALLOWED"

Please remain POLITE at all times. This is NOT a place to vent. We value POSITIVITY.

Feel free to PROMOTE a worthy business product "ONLY" on Wednesday. Promotion of your group is not allowed. 

lease read the Code of Ethics below (we won’t call them rules, because...who likes rules) 

💞 Please introduce yourself. 

💞 Please post RICH CONTENT full of divine tips and insights.

💞 Please rave about your successes. 

💞 DO NOT promote your businesses (except on Sunday) or group. 

💞 Image posts MUST have written value content. 

💞 No Negative Nellies or Debbie Downers.

💞 Be active. Help others.

💞 WE LIKE TO HAVE FUN. Don’t be shy, I encourage you to join in.

Hashtags ### We love them ### They assist in finding posts at a later stage.
#askanyday: For questions NOT requiring intuitive answers #shareanyday is for stories

💞 Connect with me on my page:

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